
The Gleneagle Group is committed to doing business in a sustainable manner i.e. we seek to ensure that our operations meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Our commitment to sustainable service delivery extends to our employees, our clients, contractors and suppliers.

We provide employment and carry out economic activity using local sourcing and local businesses where appropriate and practical. We encourage our employees, contractors, and supply chain to operate in accordance with these practices and we actively engage with our customers, communities, and other stakeholders to engage in responsible practises.

We adopt the waste reduction hierarchy of waste prevention, reuse of materials, recycling and recovery to minimise waste disposal.
We adopt a systematic and integrated approach to all aspects of our business and are committed to complying to ISO 9001, ISO 45001, ISO 14001 and ISO 20121. We are also committed to continually improving performance and to developing our integrated management system processes and activities. We maintain a documented framework for setting, implementing, and reviewing objectives and targets to drive forward this improvement.
We are proud of our association with Kerry Convention Bureau and recognise the fortunate position of Kerry’s ranking as Ireland’s leading sustainable Tourism destination within the Global Destination Sustainability Index (GDS-Index).